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Create an Account

1. Visit

2. On the following page you will have two options:

  • Option 1: If you are in the UK, you can use the username and password issued to you by your organization to register with the UK Data Service. An example has been provided below.
  • Option 2: If you are not in the UK, or your organization is not on the list, request a username by clicking the box near “My organization is not listed”.

Example – Option 1: Once you select your organization, you will be redirect to your organization’s website, like below, enter your credentials and login. After filled out the required information, clicking the “Register” button on the bottom, and you will obtain an account.

Example – Option 2: Follow the instructions, and request the username by filling out your Email and the one-time code.

  • Once your application has been approved, normally takes 24 hours, you will receive an email as below with the following information:
    • (1) Username beginning with “ukd”
    • (2) Link to complete the registration process

  • Clicking on the link will bring you to the following page:

  • Complete the registration form and click “Register” at the bottom of the page.

  • Upon successful completion of the registration application, you will receive access to your account with the UK Data Service and should see the following screen:


Downloading the Raw Datasets 

1. Once you log in, create a Project by selecting the following:

  • Data -> Projects ->  Create a new project


2. Fill out the form and click “Create Project”.


3. Once your project has been created, click “Browse Data Catalogue” at the left of the webpage.


4. There are several options to search for data. You can search by a specific topic on the top bar or set filers of Date, Topics, Data Type, Access, and Country on the right.


5. Once you find your dataset of interest, click on the link provided.


6. The next page will display information about the dataset. Click “Access data”.


7. Click “Add to account”

  • A green box confirming the addition of the dataset to your account will appear. Click “your account” to access the data.


8. Assign the dataset to a project by checking the box next to the dataset and clicking “Add to Project”.


9. Select the project where you would like to include the dataset. Then click “Add to project”

  • If you want to create a new project. Select “Create a new project

10. Select your dataset of interest to download and click “Download selected”.

11. Data Download.

  • Option 1: Click “Download” link corresponding to the file format of the dataset of interest
  • Option 2: Select one or more file formats by checking the box next to the file format and then click “Download selected”

This download includes the ELSA raw data, Harmonized ELSA, and Harmonized ELSA End of Life.

*Please note that while these instructions provide a general overview of the process to access Harmonized ELSA End of Life, the exact steps and interface may vary slightly.

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