idsujeto |
idsujeto: Unique individual specific identifier |
hhid |
hhid: Household identifier |
pn |
pn:Person number within household (1-digit) |
s4idsujeto |
s4idsujeto:w4 spouse identifier / numeric |
s5idsujeto |
s5idsujeto:w5 spouse identifier / numeric |
raspct |
raspct:# of spouses with idsujeto |
raspid1 |
raspid1:idsujeto of 1st spouse |
inw1 |
inw1: =1 if respondent w1 |
inw2 |
inw2: =1 if respondent w2 |
inw3 |
inw3: =1 if respondent w3 |
inw4 |
inw4: =1 if respondent w4 |
inw5 |
inw5: =1 if respondent w5 |
r1iwstat |
r1iwstat:w1 R interview status |
r2iwstat |
r2iwstat:w2 r interview status |
r3iwstat |
r3iwstat:w3 r interview status |
r4iwstat |
r4iwstat:w4 r interview status |
r5iwstat |
r5iwstat:w5 R interview status |
s1iwstat |
s1iwstat:w1 S interview status |
s2iwstat |
s2iwstat:w2 s interview status |
s3iwstat |
s3iwstat:w3 s interview status |
s4iwstat |
s4iwstat:w4 S interview status |
s5iwstat |
s5iwstat:w5 S interview status |
hacohort |
hacohort: sample cohort |
raeclust |
raeclust: cluster variable |
r1wtresp |
r1wtresp:w1 R person-level cross-section weight 2005 |
r2wtresp |
r2wtresp:w2 R person-level cross-section weight 2007 |
r3wtresp |
r3wtresp:w3 R person-level cross-section weight 2009 |
r4wtresp |
r4wtresp:w4 R person-level cross-section weight 2011 |
r5wtresp |
r5wtresp:w5 R person-level cross-section weight 2013 |
r1proxy |
r1proxy:w1 R whether Proxy Interview |
r2proxy |
r2proxy:w2 r Whether Proxy Interview |
r3proxy |
r3proxy:w3 r Whether Proxy Interview |
r4proxy |
r4proxy:w4 r Whether Proxy Interview |
r5proxy |
r5proxy:w5 R Whether Proxy Interview |
s4proxy |
s4proxy:w4 s Whether Proxy Interview |
s5proxy |
s5proxy:w5 s Whether Proxy Interview |
r1iwy |
r1iwy:w1 r year of interview |
r2iwy |
r2iwy:w2 r year of interview |
r3iwy |
r3iwy:w3 r year of interview |
r4iwy |
r4iwy:w4 r year of interview |
r5iwy |
r5iwy:w5 r year of interview |
s4iwy |
s4iwy:w4 S year of interview |
s5iwy |
s5iwy:w5 s year of interview |
r1iwm |
r1iwm:w1 r month of interview |
r2iwm |
r2iwm:w2 r month of interview |
r3iwm |
r3iwm:w3 r month of interview |
r4iwm |
r4iwm:w4 r month of interview |
r5iwm |
r5iwm:w5 r month of interview |
s4iwm |
s4iwm:w4 S month of interview |
s5iwm |
s5iwm:w5 s month of interview |
rabyear |
rabyear: r birth year |
s4byear |
s4byear: S birth year |
s5byear |
s5byear: S birth year |
rabmonth |
rabmonth: r birth month |
s4bmonth |
s4bmonth: S birth month |
s5bmonth |
s5bmonth: S birth month |
r1agey |
r1agey:w1 r age (years) at ivw |
r2agey |
r2agey:w2 r age (years) at ivw |
r3agey |
r3agey:w3 r age (years) at ivw |
r4agey |
r4agey:w4 r age (years) at ivw |
r5agey |
r5agey:w5 r age (years) at ivw |
s1agey |
s1agey:w1 S age (years) at ivw |
s2agey |
s2agey:w2 S age (years) at ivw |
s3agey |
s3agey:w3 S age (years) at ivw |
s4agey |
s4agey:w4 s age (years) at ivw |
s5agey |
s5agey:w5 s age (years) at ivw |
ragender |
ragender:r gender |
s4gender |
s4gender:w4 s gender |
s5gender |
s5gender:w5 s gender |
r1region_cr |
r1region_cr:w1 R region (Costa Rican provinces) |
r2region_cr |
r2region_cr:w2 R region (Costa Rican provinces) |
r3region_cr |
r3region_cr:w3 R region (Costa Rican provinces) |
r4region_cr |
r4region_cr:w4 R region (Costa Rican provinces) |
r5region_cr |
r5region_cr:w5 R region (Costa Rican provinces) |
r1region2_cr |
r1region2_cr:w1 R Great Metropolitan Area (GAM) region |
r2region2_cr |
r2region2_cr:w2 R Great Metropolitan Area (GAM) region |
r3region2_cr |
r3region2_cr:w3 R Great Metropolitan Area (GAM) region |
r4region2_cr |
r4region2_cr:w4 R Great Metropolitan Area (GAM) region |
r5region2_cr |
r5region2_cr:w5 R Great Metropolitan Area (GAM) region |
r1rural |
r1rural:w1 R lives in rural areas |
r2rural |
r2rural:w2 R lives in rural areas |
r3rural |
r3rural:w3 R lives in rural areas |
r4rural |
r4rural:w4 R lives in rural areas |
r5rural |
r5rural:w5 R lives in rural areas |
rabplace |
rabplace: R Place of Birth (Province / foreign origin) |
raedyrs |
raedyrs:R Education approved years |
s1edyrs |
s1edyrs:w1 S Education approved years |
s2edyrs |
s2edyrs:w2 S Education approved years |
s3edyrs |
s3edyrs:w3 S Education approved years |
s4edyrs |
s4edyrs:w4 S Education approved years |
s5edyrs |
s5edyrs:w5 S Education approved years |
raeduc_cr |
raeduc_cr:r original education levels |
s1educ_cr |
s1educ_cr:w1 s original education levels |
s2educ_cr |
s2educ_cr:w2 s original education levels |
s3educ_cr |
s3educ_cr:w3 s original education levels |
s4educ_cr |
s4educ_cr:w4 s original education levels |
s5educ_cr |
s5educ_cr:w5 s original education levels |
raeducl |
raeducl:r harmonized education levels |
s1educl |
s1educl:w1 s harmonized education levels |
s2educl |
s2educl:w2 s harmonized education levels |
s3educl |
s3educl:w3 s harmonized education levels |
s4educl |
s4educl:w4 s harmonized education levels |
s5educl |
s5educl:w5 s harmonized education levels |
r1mstath |
r1mstath:w1 r marital status, reported |
r2mstath |
r2mstath:w2 r marital status, reported |
r3mstath |
r3mstath:w3 r marital status, reported |
r4mstath |
r4mstath:w4 r marital status, reported |
r5mstath |
r5mstath:w5 r marital status, reported |
r1mstat |
r1mstat:w1 r marital status w/partnership |
r2mstat |
r2mstat:w2 r marital status w/partnership |
r3mstat |
r3mstat:w3 r marital status w/partnership |
r4mstat |
r4mstat:w4 r marital status w/partnership |
r5mstat |
r5mstat:w5 r marital status w/partnership |
r1mnev |
r1mnev:w1 r never married |
r2mnev |
r2mnev:w2 r never married |
r3mnev |
r3mnev:w3 r never married |
r4mnev |
r4mnev:w4 r never married |
r5mnev |
r5mnev:w5 r never married |
r1mrct_cr |
r1mrct:w1 r number of marriages / unions |
r4mrct_cr |
r4mrct:w4 r number of marriages / unions |
r1mcurln |
r1mcurln:w1 r Length (years) of current marriage / union |
r4mcurln |
r4mcurln:w4 r Length (years) of current marriage / union |
r1relig |
r1relig:w1 R religion |
r2relig |
r2relig:w2 R religion |
r3relig |
r3relig:w3 R religion |
r4relig |
r4relig:w4 R religion |