r1yr |
r1yr:w1 R cognition date naming-year(0-1) |
r1fyr |
r1fyr:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1season |
r1season:w1 R cognition date naming-season(0-1) |
r1fseason |
r1fseason:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1date |
r1date:w1 R cognition date naming-date(0-1) |
r1fdate |
r1fdate:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1dw |
r1dw:w1 R cognition date naming-day of week(0-1) |
r1fdw |
r1fdw:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1mo |
r1mo:w1 R cognition date naming-month(0-1) |
r1fmo |
r1fmo:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1orient_t5 |
r1orient_t5:w1 R orientation to time(0-5) |
r1orient_t4 |
r1orient_t4:w1 R orientation to time(0-4)- comparable w LASI |
r1state |
r1state:w1 R cognition place naming-state(0-1) |
r1fstate |
r1fstate:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1city |
r1city:w1 R cognition place naming-city(0-1) |
r1fcity |
r1fcity:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1floor |
r1floor:w1 R cognition place naming-floor(0-1) |
r1ffloor |
r1ffloor:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1name |
r1name:w1 R cognition place naming-name of place/hospital(0-1) |
r1fname |
r1fname:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1address |
r1address:w1 R cognition place naming-address(0-1) |
r1faddress |
r1faddress:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1orient_p5 |
r1orient_p5:w1 R orientation to place(0-5) |
r1orient_p4 |
r1orient_p4:w1 R orientation to place(0-4)-comparable w LASI |
r1trial1 |
r1trial1:w1 R 3-word recall trial 1(0-3) |
r1ftrial1 |
r1ftrial1:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1trial2 |
r1trial2:w1 R 3-word recall trial 2(0-3) |
r1ftrial2 |
r1ftrial2:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1trial3 |
r1trial3:w1 R 3-word recall trial 3(0-3) |
r1ftrial3 |
r1ftrial3:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1imrc3 |
r1imrc3:w1 R immediate word recall(0-3) |
r1fimrc3 |
r1fimrc3:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1dlrc3 |
r1dlrc3:w1 R delayed word recall(0-3) |
r1fdlrc3 |
r1fdlrc3:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1ser7 |
r1ser7:w1 R serial 7s(0-5) |
r1fser7 |
r1fser7:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1backward_d |
r1backward_d:w1 R backward day naming(0-5) |
r1fbackwar_d |
r1fbackwar_d:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1object1 |
r1object1:w1 R naming 1st object correct-watch(0-1) |
r1fobject1 |
r1fobject1:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1object2 |
r1object2:w1 R naming 2nd object correct-pencil(0-1) |
r1fobject2 |
r1fobject2:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1object |
r1object:w1 R total object naming(0-2) |
r1repeat |
r1repeat:w1 R able to repeat a phrase(0-1) |
r1frepeat |
r1frepeat:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1copyfol |
r1copyfol:w1 R able to follow example and close eyes(0-1) |
r1fcopyfol |
r1fcopyfol:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1readfol |
r1readfol:w1 R able to read command and close eyes(0-1) |
r1freadfol |
r1freadfol:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1combfol |
r1combfol:w1 R able to read/follow and close eyes(0-1) |
r1execu |
r1execu:w1 R cognition executive function-able to do 3-stages task(0-3) |
r1fexecu |
r1fexecu:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1say |
r1say:w1 R able to say a sentence(0-1) |
r1fsay |
r1fsay:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1write |
r1write:w1 R able to write a sentence(0-1) |
r1fwrite |
r1fwrite:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1senten |
r1senten:w1 R able to write/say a sentence(0-1) |
r1draw |
r1draw:w1 R cognition able to draw assign picture(0-1) |
r1fdraw |
r1fdraw:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1draw2 |
r1draw2:w1 R cognition able to draw assign picture(0-2) |
r1fdraw2 |
r1fdraw2:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1hmse_score |
r1hmse_score:w1 R HMSE total score (0-30) |
r1lasi_score |
r1lasi_score:w1 R LASI comparable HMSE total score (0-16) |
r1word1 |
r1word1:w1 R word list learning trial 1(0-10) |
r1fword1 |
r1fword1:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1word2 |
r1word2:w1 R word list learning trial 2(0-10) |
r1fword2 |
r1fword2:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1word3 |
r1word3:w1 R word list learning trial 3(0-10) |
r1fword3 |
r1fword3:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1word_total |
r1word_total:w1 R word list learning total(0-30) |
r1word_int |
r1word_int:w1 R word list any interruption(0-1) |
r1word_prob |
r1word_prob:w1 R word list had hearing problem(0-1) |
r1word_d |
r1word_d:w1 R word list learning recall(0-10) |
r1fword_d |
r1fword_d:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1wre_org |
r1wre_org:w1 R word list recognition: original(0-10) |
r1fwre_org |
r1fwre_org:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1wre_foil |
r1wre_foil:w1 R word list recognition: foil(0-10) |
r1fwre_foil |
r1fwre_foil:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1wre_score |
r1wre_score:w1 R word List Recognition(0-20) |
r1bm_s1 |
r1bm_s1:w1 R Brave man immediate: story point 1(0-2) |
r1fbm_s1 |
r1fbm_s1:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1bm_s2 |
r1bm_s2:w1 R Brave man immediate: story point 2(0-2) |
r1fbm_s2 |
r1fbm_s2:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1bm_s3 |
r1bm_s3:w1 R Brave man immediate: story point 3(0-2) |
r1fbm_s3 |
r1fbm_s3:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1bm_s4 |
r1bm_s4:w1 R Brave man immediate: story point 4(0-2) |
r1fbm_s4 |
r1fbm_s4:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1bm_s5 |
r1bm_s5:w1 R Brave man immediate: story point 5(0-2) |
r1fbm_s5 |
r1fbm_s5:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1bm_s6 |
r1bm_s6:w1 R Brave man immediate: story point 6(0-2) |
r1fbm_s6 |
r1fbm_s6:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1bm_s7 |
r1bm_s7:w1 R Brave man immediate: story point 7(0-2) |
r1fbm_s7 |
r1fbm_s7:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1bm_s8 |
r1bm_s8:w1 R Brave man immediate: story point 8(0-2) |
r1fbm_s8 |
r1fbm_s8:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1bm_s9 |
r1bm_s9:w1 R Brave man immediate: story point 9(0-2) |
r1fbm_s9 |
r1fbm_s9:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1bm_s10 |
r1bm_s10:w1 R Brave man immediate: story point 10(0-2) |
r1fbm_s10 |
r1fbm_s10:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1bmex_s1 |
r1bmex_s1:w1 R Brave man immediate: story point 1(0-1) exact |
r1bmex_s2 |
r1bmex_s2:w1 R Brave man immediate: story point 2(0-1) exact |
r1bmex_s3 |
r1bmex_s3:w1 R Brave man immediate: story point 3(0-1) exact |
r1bmex_s4 |
r1bmex_s4:w1 R Brave man immediate: story point 4(0-1) exact |
r1bmex_s5 |
r1bmex_s5:w1 R Brave man immediate: story point 5(0-1) exact |
r1bmex_s6 |
r1bmex_s6:w1 R Brave man immediate: story point 6(0-1) exact |
r1bmex_s7 |
r1bmex_s7:w1 R Brave man immediate: story point 7(0-1) exact |
r1bmex_s8 |
r1bmex_s8:w1 R Brave man immediate: story point 8(0-1) exact |
r1bmex_s9 |
r1bmex_s9:w1 R Brave man immediate: story point 9(0-1) exact |
r1bmex_s10 |
r1bmex_s10:w1 R Brave man immediate: story point 10(0-1) exact |
r1bm_rs1 |
r1bm_rs1:w1 R Brave man recall: story point 1(0-2) |
r1fbm_rs1 |
r1fbm_rs1:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1bm_rs2 |
r1bm_rs2:w1 R Brave man recall: story point 2(0-2) |
r1fbm_rs2 |
r1fbm_rs2:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1bm_rs3 |
r1bm_rs3:w1 R Brave man recall: story point 3(0-2) |
r1fbm_rs3 |
r1fbm_rs3:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1bm_rs4 |
r1bm_rs4:w1 R Brave man recall: story point 4(0-2) |
r1fbm_rs4 |
r1fbm_rs4:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1bm_rs5 |
r1bm_rs5:w1 R Brave man recall: story point 5(0-2) |
r1fbm_rs5 |
r1fbm_rs5:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1bm_rs6 |
r1bm_rs6:w1 R Brave man recall: story point 6(0-2) |
r1fbm_rs6 |
r1fbm_rs6:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1bm_rs7 |
r1bm_rs7:w1 R Brave man recall: story point 7(0-2) |
r1fbm_rs7 |
r1fbm_rs7:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1bm_rs8 |
r1bm_rs8:w1 R Brave man recall: story point 8(0-2) |
r1fbm_rs8 |
r1fbm_rs8:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1bm_rs9 |
r1bm_rs9:w1 R Brave man recall: story point 9(0-2) |
r1fbm_rs9 |
r1fbm_rs9:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1bm_rs10 |
r1bm_rs10:w1 R Brave man recall: story point 10(0-2) |
r1fbm_rs10 |
r1fbm_rs10:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1bmex_rs1 |
r1bmex_rs1:w1 R Brave man recall: story point 1(0-1) exact |
r1bmex_rs2 |
r1bmex_rs2:w1 R Brave man recall: story point 2(0-1) exact |
r1bmex_rs3 |
r1bmex_rs3:w1 R Brave man recall: story point 3(0-1) exact |
r1bmex_rs4 |
r1bmex_rs4:w1 R Brave man recall: story point 4(0-1) exact |
r1bmex_rs5 |
r1bmex_rs5:w1 R Brave man recall: story point 5(0-1) exact |
r1bmex_rs6 |
r1bmex_rs6:w1 R Brave man recall: story point 6(0-1) exact |
r1bmex_rs7 |
r1bmex_rs7:w1 R Brave man recall: story point 7(0-1) exact |
r1bmex_rs8 |
r1bmex_rs8:w1 R Brave man recall: story point 8(0-1) exact |
r1bmex_rs9 |
r1bmex_rs9:w1 R Brave man recall: story point 9(0-1) exact |
r1bmex_rs10 |
r1bmex_rs10:w1 R Brave man recall: story point 10(0-1) exact |
r1bm_imm |
r1bm_imm:w1 R Brave man immediate: summary score, HRS comparable, 2pts-exact,1pt |
r1bm_imm_d |
r1bm_imm_d:w1 R Brave man immediate: summary score 2pts-exact,1pt-gist(0-20) |
r1bm_immex |
r1bm_immex:w1 R Brave man immediate: summary score exact(0-6) |
r1bm_recl |
r1bm_recl:w1 R Brave man recall: summary score,HRS comparable,2pts-exact,1pt-gis |
r1bm_recl_d |
r1bm_recl_d:w1 R Brave man recall: summary score 2pts-exact,1pt-gist(0-20) |
r1bm_reclex |
r1bm_reclex:w1 R Brave man recall: summary score exact (0-6) |
r1lmb_s1 |
r1lmb_s1:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 1(0-2) |
r1flmb_s1 |
r1flmb_s1:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s2 |
r1lmb_s2:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 2(0-2) |
r1flmb_s2 |
r1flmb_s2:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s3 |
r1lmb_s3:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 3(0-2) |
r1flmb_s3 |
r1flmb_s3:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s4 |
r1lmb_s4:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 4(0-2) |
r1flmb_s4 |
r1flmb_s4:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s5 |
r1lmb_s5:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 5(0-2) |
r1flmb_s5 |
r1flmb_s5:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s6 |
r1lmb_s6:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 6(0-2) |
r1flmb_s6 |
r1flmb_s6:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s7 |
r1lmb_s7:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 7(0-2) |
r1flmb_s7 |
r1flmb_s7:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s8 |
r1lmb_s8:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 8(0-2) |
r1flmb_s8 |
r1flmb_s8:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s9 |
r1lmb_s9:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 9(0-2) |
r1flmb_s9 |
r1flmb_s9:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s10 |
r1lmb_s10:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 10(0-2) |
r1flmb_s10 |
r1flmb_s10:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s11 |
r1lmb_s11:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 11(0-2) |
r1flmb_s11 |
r1flmb_s11:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s12 |
r1lmb_s12:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 12(0-2) |
r1flmb_s12 |
r1flmb_s12:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s13 |
r1lmb_s13:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 13(0-2) |
r1flmb_s13 |
r1flmb_s13:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s14 |
r1lmb_s14:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 14(0-2) |
r1flmb_s14 |
r1flmb_s14:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s15 |
r1lmb_s15:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 15(0-2) |
r1flmb_s15 |
r1flmb_s15:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s16 |
r1lmb_s16:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 16(0-2) |
r1flmb_s16 |
r1flmb_s16:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s17 |
r1lmb_s17:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 17(0-2) |
r1flmb_s17 |
r1flmb_s17:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s18 |
r1lmb_s18:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 18(0-2) |
r1flmb_s18 |
r1flmb_s18:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s19 |
r1lmb_s19:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 19(0-2) |
r1flmb_s19 |
r1flmb_s19:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s20 |
r1lmb_s20:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 20(0-2) |
r1flmb_s20 |
r1flmb_s20:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s21 |
r1lmb_s21:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 21(0-2) |
r1flmb_s21 |
r1flmb_s21:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s22 |
r1lmb_s22:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 22(0-2) |
r1flmb_s22 |
r1flmb_s22:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s23 |
r1lmb_s23:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 23(0-2) |
r1flmb_s23 |
r1flmb_s23:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s24 |
r1lmb_s24:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 24(0-2) |
r1flmb_s24 |
r1flmb_s24:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_s25 |
r1lmb_s25:w1 R Robbery story immediate: story point 25(0-2) |
r1flmb_s25 |
r1flmb_s25:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs1 |
r1lmb_rs1:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 1(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs1 |
r1flmb_rs1:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs2 |
r1lmb_rs2:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 2(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs2 |
r1flmb_rs2:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs3 |
r1lmb_rs3:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 3(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs3 |
r1flmb_rs3:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs4 |
r1lmb_rs4:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 4(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs4 |
r1flmb_rs4:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs5 |
r1lmb_rs5:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 5(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs5 |
r1flmb_rs5:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs6 |
r1lmb_rs6:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 6(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs6 |
r1flmb_rs6:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs7 |
r1lmb_rs7:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 7(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs7 |
r1flmb_rs7:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs8 |
r1lmb_rs8:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 8(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs8 |
r1flmb_rs8:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs9 |
r1lmb_rs9:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 9(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs9 |
r1flmb_rs9:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs10 |
r1lmb_rs10:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 10(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs10 |
r1flmb_rs10:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs11 |
r1lmb_rs11:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 11(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs11 |
r1flmb_rs11:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs12 |
r1lmb_rs12:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 12(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs12 |
r1flmb_rs12:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs13 |
r1lmb_rs13:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 13(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs13 |
r1flmb_rs13:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs14 |
r1lmb_rs14:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 14(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs14 |
r1flmb_rs14:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs15 |
r1lmb_rs15:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 15(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs15 |
r1flmb_rs15:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs16 |
r1lmb_rs16:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 16(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs16 |
r1flmb_rs16:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs17 |
r1lmb_rs17:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 17(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs17 |
r1flmb_rs17:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs18 |
r1lmb_rs18:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 18(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs18 |
r1flmb_rs18:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs19 |
r1lmb_rs19:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 19(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs19 |
r1flmb_rs19:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs20 |
r1lmb_rs20:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 20(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs20 |
r1flmb_rs20:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs21 |
r1lmb_rs21:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 21(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs21 |
r1flmb_rs21:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs22 |
r1lmb_rs22:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 22(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs22 |
r1flmb_rs22:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs23 |
r1lmb_rs23:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 23(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs23 |
r1flmb_rs23:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs24 |
r1lmb_rs24:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 24(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs24 |
r1flmb_rs24:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_rs25 |
r1lmb_rs25:w1 R Robbery story recall: story point 25(0-2) |
r1flmb_rs25 |
r1flmb_rs25:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1lmb_imm |
r1lmb_imm:w1 R Robbery story immediate:summaryscore,exact words(0-25) |
r1lmb_imm_d |
r1lmb_imm_d:w1 R Robbery story immediate:summary score,with gist(0-25) |
r1lmb_recl |
r1lmb_recl:w1 R Robbery story recall: summary score,exact words(0-25) |
r1lmb_recl_d |
r1lmb_recl_d:w1 R Robbery story recall: summary score,with gist(0-25) |
r1log_rcmix |
r1log_rcmix:w1 R logical memory recall-mix up |
r1flog_rcmix |
r1flog_rcmix:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1log_wron |
r1log_wron:w1 R logical memory recall-wrong story |
r1flog_wron |
r1flog_wron:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1log_reco |
r1log_reco:w1 R logical memory recognition score(0-15) |
r1flog_reco |
r1flog_reco:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1scis |
r1scis:w1 R cognition scissors(0-1) |
r1fscis |
r1fscis:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1coconut |
r1coconut:w1 R cognition coconut(0-1) |
r1fcoconut |
r1fcoconut:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1prime |
r1prime:w1 R cognition Prime Minister(0-1) |
r1fprime |
r1fprime:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1tics_score |
r1tics_score:w1 R TICS 3-item score(0-3) |
r1ds_for |
r1ds_for:w1 R digit span forward(0-1) |
r1fds_for |
r1fds_for:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1ds_back |
r1ds_back:w1 R digit span backward(0-1) |
r1fds_back |
r1fds_back:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1verbal |
r1verbal:w1 R verbal fluency:animal naming-correct |
r1fverbal |
r1fverbal:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1verbal_inc |
r1verbal_inc:w1 R verbal fluency:animal naming-incorrect |
r1fverbal_in |
r1fverbal_inc:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1verbal_prb |
r1verbal_prb:w1 R verbal fluency:animal naming-problem |
r1sc_anw |
r1sc_anw:w1 R symbol cancellations |
r1fsc_anw |
r1fsc_anw:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1sc_wr |
r1sc_wr:w1 R symbol cancellation wrong |
r1fsc_wr |
r1fsc_wr:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1sc_score |
r1sc_score:w1 R symbol cancellation score |
r1cp_circle |
r1cp_circle:w1 R circle drawing score(0-2) |
r1fcp_circle |
r1fcp_circle:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1cp_rectan |
r1cp_rectan:w1 R drew a rectangle(0-2) |
r1fcp_rectan |
r1fcp_rectan:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1cp_cube |
r1cp_cube:w1 R drew a cube(0-4) |
r1fcp_cube |
r1fcp_cube:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1cp_diamon |
r1cp_diamon:w1 R drew a diamond(0-3) |
r1fcp_diamon |
r1fcp_diamon:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1cp_score |
r1cp_score:w1 R Constructional Praxis score(0-11) |
r1cpr_circle |
r1cpr_circle:w1 R drew a circle-recall(0-2) |
r1fcpr_circl |
r1fcpr_circle:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1cpr_rectan |
r1cpr_rectan:w1 R drew a rectangle-recall(0-2) |
r1fcpr_recta |
r1fcpr_rectan:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1cpr_cube |
r1cpr_cube:w1 R drew a cube-recall(0-4) |
r1fcpr_cube |
r1fcpr_cube:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1cpr_diamon |
r1cpr_diamon:w1 R drew a diamond-recall(0-3) |
r1fcpr_diamo |
r1fcpr_diamon:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1cpr_score |
r1cpr_score:w1 R Constructional Praxis score-recall(0-11) |
r1dr_clock3 |
r1dr_clock3:w1 R clock drawing score(0-3) |
r1fdr_clock3 |
r1fdr_clock3:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1elbow |
r1elbow:w1 R cognition elbow(0-1) |
r1felbow |
r1felbow:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1hammer |
r1hammer:w1 R cognition hammer(0-1) |
r1fhammer |
r1fhammer:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1store |
r1store:w1 R cognition store(0-1) |
r1fstore |
r1fstore:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1point |
r1point:w1 R cognition point(0-1) |
r1fpoint |
r1fpoint:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1csid_score |
r1csid_score:w1 R CSID 4-item score(0-4) |
r1rv_score |
r1rv_score:w1 R Raven's test score(0-17) |
r1frv_score |
r1frv_score:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1go_score1 |
r1go_score1:w1 R Go-no-go trial 1 total score(0-10) |
r1fgo_score1 |
r1fgo_score1:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1go_score2 |
r1go_score2:w1 R Go-no-go trial 2 total score(0-10) |
r1fgo_score2 |
r1fgo_score2:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1go_score |
r1go_score:w1 R Go-no-go total score(0-20) |
r1ef_palm |
r1ef_palm:w1 R able to repeat palm-up, palm-down test(0-2) |
r1fef_palm |
r1fef_palm:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1ef_clench |
r1ef_clench:w1 R able to do clenched extended hand movement(0-2) |
r1fef_clench |
r1fef_clench:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1ef_fist |
r1ef_fist:w1 R able to do fist-side-palm test(0-2) |
r1fef_fist |
r1fef_fist:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1ef_score |
r1ef_score:w1 R Hand Sequencing 3-item score(0-6) |
r1tt_crcl |
r1tt_crcl:w1 circle: R able to identify and touch(0-1) |
r1ftt_crcl |
r1ftt_crcl:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1tt_sqr |
r1tt_sqr:w1 yellow square: R able to identify and touch(0-1) |
r1ftt_sqr |
r1ftt_sqr:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1tt_dmnd |
r1tt_dmnd:w1 large diamond: R able to identify and touch(0-1) |
r1ftt_dmnd |
r1ftt_dmnd:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1tt_blckcrl |
r1tt_blckcrl:w1 black circle,black diamond: R able to identify and touch(0-1) |
r1ftt_blckcr |
r1ftt_blckcrl:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1tt_blsqr |
r1tt_blsqr:w1 blue square,yellow square: R able to identify and touch(0-1) |
r1ftt_blsqr |
r1ftt_blsqr:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1tt_yldmnd |
r1tt_yldmnd:w1 yellow diamond,blue circle: R able to identify and touch |
r1ftt_yldmn |
r1ftt_yldmnd:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1tt_ylsqr |
r1tt_ylsqr:w1 yellow square,black circle: R able to identify and touch(0-1) |
r1ftt_ylsqr |
r1ftt_ylsqr:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1tt_score |
r1tt_score:w1 R Token Test 7-item score(0-7) |
r1jp_animl |
r1jp_animl:w1 similarities: R elephant and monkey |
r1fjp_animl |
r1fjp_animl:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1jp_flwr |
r1jp_flwr:w1 similarities: R rose and jasmine |
r1fjp_flwr |
r1fjp_flwr:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1jp_lie |
r1jp_lie:w1 differences: R lie and mistake |
r1fjp_lie |
r1fjp_lie:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1jp_river |
r1jp_river:w1 differences: R river and pond |
r1fjp_river |
r1fjp_river:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1jp_rupee1 |
r1jp_rupee1:w1 R 25 paise coins for one Rupee |
r1fjp_rupe1 |
r1fjp_rupee1:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1jp_rupee2 |
r1jp_rupee2:w1 R 25 paise coins for six and half rupees |
r1fjp_rupe2 |
r1fjp_rupee2:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1jp_fndkid |
r1jp_fndkid:w1 judgement: R find a lost child on road |
r1fjp_fndki |
r1fjp_fndkid:impflag w1 r whether imputed value |
r1sim_score |
r1sim_score:w1 R similiarity and difference summary score |
r1pro_score |
r1pro_score:w1 R problem solving summary score |
r1borient |
r1borient: w1 factor analysis broad domain: orientation |
r1bexefu |
r1bexefu: w1 factor analysis broad domain: executive functioning |
r1blangf |
r1blangf: w1 factor analysis broad domain: language/fluency |
r1bmemory |
r1bmemory: w1 factor analysis broad domain: memory |
r1bvsp |
r1bvsp: w1 factor analysis broad domain: visuospatial |
r1nmemimm |
r1nmemimm: w1 factor analysis narrow domain: memory, imm episodic |
r1nmemdel |
r1nmemdel: w1 factor analysis narrow domain: memory, delay episodic |
r1nmemrec |
r1nmemrec: w1 factor analysis narrow domain: memory, recogntion |
r1nreason |
r1nreason: w1 factor analysis narrow domain: abstract reasoning |
r1natnspd |
r1natnspd: w1 factor analysis narrow domain: attention speed |
r1sgcp |
r1gcp: w1 factor analysis: general cognitive factor |
r1hmse_scorz |
r1hmse_score:w1 R HMSE total score (0-30) (stdized) |
r1word_totaz |
r1word_total:w1 R word list learning total(0-30) (stdized) |
r1word_dz |
r1word_d:w1 R word list learning recall(0-10) (stdized) |
r1wre_scorez |
r1wre_score:w1 R word List Recognition(0-20) (stdized) |
r1log_recoz |
r1log_reco:w1 R logical memory recognition score(0-15) (stdized) |
r1bm_immexz |
r1bm_immex:w1 R Brave man immediate: summary score exact(0-6) (stdized) |
r1bm_reclexz |
r1bm_reclex:w1 R Brave man recall: summary score exact (0-6) (stdized) |
r1verbalz |
r1verbal:w1 R verbal fluency:animal naming-correct (stdized) |
r1csid_scorz |
r1csid_score:w1 R CSID 4-item score(0-4) (stdized) |
r1rv_scorez |
r1rv_score:w1 R Raven's test score(0-17) (stdized) |
r1cog_totalz |
r1cog_total:w1 total cognition score (stdized) |