c2017cpindex |
2017 consumer price index, 2010=100 |
c2018cpindex |
2018 consumer price index, 2010=100 |
c2019cpindex |
2019 consumer price index, 2010=100 |
c2020cpindex |
2020 consumer price index, 2010=100 |
c2021cpindex |
2021 consumer price index, 2010=100 |
hh1aland |
hh1aland:w1 assets: value of cultivated and non-cultivated land |
hh1afland |
hh1afland:w1 impflag: value of cultivated and non-cultivated land |
hh1aagri |
hh1aagri:w1 assets: value of livestock |
hh1afagri |
hh1afagri:w1 impflag: value of livestock |
hh1adurbl |
hh1adurbl:w1 assets: value of durable assets |
hh1afdurbl |
hh1afdurbl:w1 impflag: value of durable assets |
hh1afixc |
hh1afixc:w1 assets: value of agricultural equipment |
hh1affixc |
hh1affixc:w1 impflag: value of agricultural equipment |
hh1ahous |
hh1ahous:w1 assets: value of primary residence |
hh1afhous |
hh1afhous:w1 impflag: value of primary residence |
hh1ahsdr |
hh1ahsdr:w1 assets: value of security deposits received (current residence) |
hh1afhsdr |
hh1afhsdr:w1 impflag: value of security deposits received (current residence) |
hh1ahsdp |
hh1ahsdp:w1 assets: value of security deposits paid (current residence) |
hh1afhsdp |
hh1afhsdp:w1 impflag: value of security deposits paid (current residence) |
hh1arles |
hh1arles:w1 assets: value of other real estate (not primary residence) |
hh1afrles |
hh1afrles:w1 impflag: value of other real estate (not primary residence) |
hh1aosdr |
hh1aosdr:w1 assets: value of security deposits received (not primary residence) |
hh1afosdr |
hh1afosdr:w1 impflag: value of security deposits received (not primary residence |
hh1absns |
hh1absns:w1 assets: value of businesses |
hh1afbsns |
hh1afbsns:w1 impflag: value of businesses |
hh1atotf |
hh1atotf:w1 assets: total value of financial assets |
hh1aftotf |
hh1aftotf:w1 impflag: total value of financial assets |
hh1adebt |
hh1adebt:w1 assets: total value of debts |
hh1afdebt |
hh1afdebt:w1 impflag: total value of debts |
hh1alend |
hh1alend:w1 assets: value of personal loans lent |
hh1aflend |
hh1aflend:w1 impflag: value of personal loans lent |
hh1atotb |
hh1atotb:w1 assets: total of all assets inc. |
hh1aftotb |
hh1aftotb:w1 impflag: total of all assets inc. |