prim_key |
prim_key:primary key ID |
hhid |
hhid:HHold ID (char) |
pnc |
pnc:person ID (char) |
pn |
pn:person ID (num) |
h1coupid |
h1coupid:w1 couple id (num) |
s1prim_key |
s1prim_key:w1 spouse prim_key (char) |
raspid1 |
raspid1:prim_key of 1st spouse |
r1mltsps |
r1mltsps:w1 R Number of spouses |
inw1 |
inw1:In wave 1 |
inw1pm |
inw1pm:In w1 physical measure module |
r1iwstat |
r1iwstat:w1 r Interview status |
s1iwstat |
s1iwstat:w1 s Interview status |
r1wtresp |
r1wtresp:w1 r person-level post-stratified analysis weight |
s1wtresp |
s1wtresp:w1 s person-level post-stratified analysis weight |
hh1wthh |
hh1wthh:w1 household-level post-stratified analysis weight |
hh1hhresp |
hh1hhresp:w1 # core respondents in household |
r1nwtresp |
r1nwtresp:w1 r person-level biomarker weight |
s1nwtresp |
s1nwtresp:w1 s person-level biomarker weight |
h1cpl |
h1cpl:w1 whether coupled |
r1hhr |
r1hhr:w1 r whether housing resp |
s1hhr |
s1hhr:w1 s whether housing resp |
hh1ohhr |
hh1ohhr:w1 hh whether other housing resp |
hh1anyhhr |
hh1anyhhr:w1 any housing resp in hh |
r1finr |
r1finr:w1 r whether financial resp |
s1finr |
s1finr:w1 s whether financial resp |
hh1ofinr |
hh1ofinr:w1 hh whether other financial resp |
hh1anyfinr |
hh1anyfinr:w1 any financial resp in hh |
r1proxy |
r1proxy:w1 r whether proxy interview |
s1proxy |
s1proxy:w1 s whether proxy interview |
r1iwy |
r1iwy:w1 r year of interview |
s1iwy |
s1iwy:w1 s year of interview |
r1iwm |
r1iwm:w1 r month of interview |
s1iwm |
s1iwm:w1 s month of interview |
rabyear |
rabyear: r birth year |
s1byear |
s1byear:w1 s birth year |
rabmonth |
rabmonth: r birth month |
s1bmonth |
s1bmonth:w1 s birth month |
r1agey |
r1agey:w1 r age (years) at ivw |
s1agey |
s1agey:w1 s age (years) at ivw |
ragender |
ragender: r gender |
s1gender |
s1gender:w1 s gender |
raeduc_l |
raeduc_l: r highest level of education |
s1educ_l |
s1educ_l:w1 s highest level of education |
raeducl |
raeducl: r harmonized education category |
s1educl |
s1educl:w1 s harmonized education category |
raedyrs |
raedyrs: r years of education |
s1edyrs |
s1edyrs:w1 s years of education |
raliterate |
raliterate:w1 r literacy |
s1literate |
s1literate:w1 s literacy |
r1mstat |
r1mstat:w1 r marital status w/partners, filled |
s1mstat |
s1mstat:w1 s marital status w/partners, filled |
r1mstath |
r1mstath:w1 r marital status, self-reported |
s1mstath |
s1mstath:w1 s marital status, self-reported |
r1mnev |
r1mnev:w1 r never married |
s1mnev |
s1mnev:w1 s never married |
r1mrct |
r1mrct:w1 r # marriages |
s1mrct |
s1mrct:w1 s # marriages |
r1mcurln |
r1mcurln:w1 r length of current marriage |
s1mcurln |
s1mcurln:w1 s length of current marriage |
rabplace |
rabplace: r place of birth (state) |
s1bplace |
s1bplace:w1 s place of birth (state) |
rabcountry |
rabcountry: r born in country of interview |
s1bcountry |
s1bcountry:w1 s born in country of interview |
rabcountry_l |
rabcountry_l: r country of birth |
s1bcountry_l |
s1bcountry_l:w1 s country of birth |
hh1rural |
hh1rural:w1 lives in rural or urban area |
hh1state |
hh1state:w1 interview state |
r1caste |
r1caste: r caste system |
s1caste |
s1caste:w1 s caste system |
r1relig_l |
r1relig_l:w1 r religion |
s1relig_l |
s1relig_l:w1 s religion |
r1lang_l |
r1lang_l:w1 r language of interview |
s1lang_l |
s1lang_l:w1 s language of interview |