r1itearn |
r1itearn:w1 income: r earnings after tax |
r2itearn |
r2itearn:w2 income: r earnings after tax |
r4itearn |
r4itearn:w4 income: r earnings after tax |
s1itearn |
s1itearn:w1 income: s earnings after tax |
s2itearn |
s2itearn:w2 income: s earnings after tax |
s4itearn |
s4itearn:w4 income: s earnings after tax |
r1isftearn |
r1isftearn:w1 income: source flag: earnings |
r2isftearn |
r2isftearn:w2 income: source flag: earnings |
s1isftearn |
s1isftearn:w1 income: source flag: earnings |
s2isftearn |
s2isftearn:w2 income: source flag: earnings |
r1itsemp |
r1itsemp:w1 income: r self-employment after tax |
r2itsemp |
r2itsemp:w2 income: r self-employment after tax |
r4itsemp |
r4itsemp:w4 income: r self-employment after tax |
s1itsemp |
s1itsemp:w1 income: s self-employment after tax |
s2itsemp |
s2itsemp:w2 income: s self-employment after tax |
s4itsemp |
s4itsemp:w4 income: s self-employment after tax |
hh1itsemp |
hh1itsemp:w1 income: hhold self-employed income after tax |
hh2itsemp |
hh2itsemp:w2 income: hhold self-employed income after tax |
hh4itsemp |
hh4itsemp:w4 income: hhold self-employed income after tax |
r1itrest |
r1itrest:w1 income: R financial assets income before tax |
r2itrest |
r2itrest:w2 income: R financial assets income before tax |
s1itrest |
s1itrest:w1 income: S financial assets income before tax |
s2itrest |
s2itrest:w2 income: S financial assets income before tax |
hh1itrest |
hh1itrest:w1 income: hhold interest and financial assets income |
hh2itrest |
hh2itrest:w2 income: hhold interest and financial assets income |
hh1irent |
hh1irent:w1 income: hhold non-financial income before tax |
hh2irent |
hh2irent:w2 income: hhold non-financial income before tax |
hh4irent |
hh4irent:w4 income: hhold non-financial income before tax |
hh1icap |
hh1icap:w1 income: hhold total capital income |
hh2icap |
hh2icap:w2 income: hhold total capital income |
hh4icap |
hh4icap:w4 income: hhold total capital income |
r1ipeni |
r1ipeni:w1 income: r pension from income module |
r2ipeni |
r2ipeni:w2 income: r pension from income module |
s1ipeni |
s1ipeni:w1 income: s pension from income module |
s2ipeni |
s2ipeni:w2 income: s pension from income module |
r1ipena |
r1ipena:w1 income: r private pension from work module before tax |
r2ipena |
r2ipena:w2 income: r private pension from work module before tax |
r4ipena |
r4ipena:w4 income: r private pension from work module before tax |
s1ipena |
s1ipena:w1 income: s private pension from work module before tax |
s2ipena |
s2ipena:w2 income: s private pension from work module before tax |
s4ipena |
s4ipena:w4 income: s private pension from work module before tax |
r1ipubpen |
r1ipubpen:w1 income: r public pension from work module |
r2ipubpen |
r2ipubpen:w2 income: r public pension from work module |
r4ipubpen |
r4ipubpen:w4 income: r public pension from work module |
s1ipubpen |
s1ipubpen:w1 income: s public pension from work module |
s2ipubpen |
s2ipubpen:w2 income: s public pension from work module |
s4ipubpen |
s4ipubpen:w4 income: s public pension from work module |
r1ipen |
r1ipen:w1 income: r total pension income |
r2ipen |
r2ipen:w2 income: r total pension income |
r4ipen |
r4ipen:w4 income: r total pension income |
s1ipen |
s1ipen:w1 income: s total pension income |
s2ipen |
s2ipen:w2 income: s total pension income |
s4ipen |
s4ipen:w4 income: s total pension income |
r1isfpen |
r1isfpen:w1 r income: source flag: total pension |
r2isfpen |
r2isfpen:w2 r income: source flag: total pension |
s1isfpen |
s1isfpen:w1 s income: source flag: total pension |
s2isfpen |
s2isfpen:w2 s income: source flag: total pension |
r1igxfr |
r1igxfr:w1 income: r government transfer |
r2igxfr |
r2igxfr:w2 income: r government transfer |
r4igxfr |
r4igxfr:w4 income: r government transfer |
s1igxfr |
s1igxfr:w1 income: s government transfer |
s2igxfr |
s2igxfr:w2 income: s government transfer |
s4igxfr |
s4igxfr:w4 income: s government transfer |
hh1igxfro |
hh1igxfro:w1 income: other hhold member government transfer |
hh2igxfro |
hh2igxfro:w2 income: other hhold member government transfer |
hh4igxfro |
hh4igxfro:w4 income: other hhold member government transfer |
hh1igxfri |
hh1igxfri:w1 income: hhold government transfer income |
hh2igxfri |
hh2igxfri:w2 income: hhold government transfer income |
hh4igxfri |
hh4igxfri:w4 income: hhold government transfer income |
hh1igxfrh |
hh1igxfrh:w1 income: hhold other government transfer income |
hh2igxfrh |
hh2igxfrh:w2 income: hhold other government transfer income |
hh4igxfrh |
hh4igxfrh:w4 income: hhold other government transfer income |
hh1igxfrt |
hh1igxfrt:w1 income: hhold other public transfer income |
hh2igxfrt |
hh2igxfrt:w2 income: hhold other public transfer income |
hh4igxfrt |
hh4igxfrt:w4 income: hhold other public transfer income |
hh1igxfr |
hh1igxfr:w1 income: hhold government/public transfer income |
hh2igxfr |
hh2igxfr:w2 income: hhold government/public transfer income |
hh4igxfr |
hh4igxfr:w4 income: hhold government/public transfer income |
r1iothr |
r1iothr:w1 income: r other income |
r2iothr |
r2iothr:w2 income: r other income |
r4iothr |
r4iothr:w4 income: r other income |
s1iothr |
s1iothr:w1 income: s other income |
s2iothr |
s2iothr:w2 income: s other income |
s4iothr |
s4iothr:w4 income: s other income |
hh1iothhh |
hh1iothhh:w1 income: Income from Other Household Members |
hh2iothhh |
hh2iothhh:w2 income: Income from Other Household Members |
hh4iothhh |
hh4iothhh:w4 income: Income from Other Household Members |
hh1itot |
hh1itot:w1 income: hhold total household income |
hh2itot |
hh2itot:w2 income: hhold total household income |
hh4itot |
hh4itot:w4 income: hhold total household income |
hh1cfood |
hh1cfood:w1 hhold food consumption, past 7 days |
hh2cfood |
hh2cfood:w2 hhold food consumption, past 7 days |
hh4cfood |
hh4cfood:w4 hhold food consumption, past 7 days |
hh1cnf1m |
hh1cnf1m:w1 hhold non-food consumption, last month |
hh2cnf1m |
hh2cnf1m:w2 hhold non-food consumption, last month |
hh4cnf1m |
hh4cnf1m:w4 hhold non-food consumption, last month |
hh1cnf1y |
hh1cnf1y:w1 hhold other non-food consumption, past year |
hh2cnf1y |
hh2cnf1y:w2 hhold other non-food consumption, past year |
hh4cnf1y |
hh4cnf1y:w4 hhold other non-food consumption, past year |
hh1ctot |
hh1ctot:w1 total household consumption |
hh2ctot |
hh2ctot:w2 total household consumption |
hh4ctot |
hh4ctot:w4 total household consumption |
hh1cperc |
hh1cperc:w1 total household per capita consumption |
hh2cperc |
hh2cperc:w2 total household per capita consumption |
hh4cperc |
hh4cperc:w4 total household per capita consumption |