ID |
id:person identifier/12-char |
householdID |
householdid:hhold id /10-char |
communityID |
communityID:community ID/7-char |
hhid |
hhid:HHold ID /10-num |
hhidc |
hhidc:HHold ID /10-char |
pnc |
pnc:person id /2-char |
pn |
pn:person id-num |
id_w1 |
id_w1:Wave 1 person identifier/11-char |
hhid_w1 |
hhid_w1:Wave 1 hhold identifier/9-char |
s1id |
s1id:w1 spouse ID (char) |
s2id |
s2id:w2 spouse ID (char) |
s3id |
s3id:w3 spouse ID (char) |
s4id |
s4id:w4 spouse ID (char) |
s1pn |
s1pn:w1 spouse person ID(num) |
s2pn |
s2pn:w2 spouse person ID(num) |
s3pn |
s3pn:w3 spouse person ID(num) |
s4pn |
s4pn:w4 spouse person ID(num) |
raspid1 |
raspid1:ID of 1st spouse |
raspid2 |
raspid2:ID of 2nd spouse |
h1coupid |
h1coupid:w1 couple ID/num |
h2coupid |
h2coupid:w2 couple ID/num |
h3coupid |
h3coupid:w3 couple ID/num |
h4coupid |
h4coupid:w4 couple ID/num |
inw1 |
inw1:In wave 1 |
inw2 |
inw2:In wave 2 |
inw3 |
inw3:In wave 3 (life history) |
inw4 |
inw4:In wave 4 |
r1iwstat |
r1iwstat: w1 r Interview Status |
r2iwstat |
r2iwstat: w2 r Interview Status |
r3iwstat |
r3iwstat: w3 r Interview Status |
r4iwstat |
r4iwstat: w4 r Interview Status |
s1iwstat |
s1iwstat: w1 s Interview Status |
s2iwstat |
s2iwstat: w2 s Interview Status |
s3iwstat |
s3iwstat: w3 s Interview Status |
s4iwstat |
s4iwstat: w4 s Interview Status |
r1wthh |
r1wthh:w1 Household weight without non-response adjustment |
r2wthh |
r2wthh:w2 Household weight without non-response adjustment |
r4wthh |
r4wthh:w4 Household weight without non-response adjustment |
r2wthhl |
r2wthhl:w2 Household longitudinal weight |
r1wthha |
r1wthha:w1 Household weight with non-response adjustment |
r2wthha |
r2wthha:w2 Household weight with non-response adjustment |
r4wthha |
r4wthha:w4 Household weight with non-response adjustment |
r1wtresp |
r1wtresp:w1 Individual weight without non-response adjustment |
r2wtresp |
r2wtresp:w2 Individual weight without non-response adjustment |
r4wtresp |
r4wtresp:w4 Individual weight without non-response adjustment |
s1wtresp |
s1wtresp:w1 s weight without non-response adjustment |
s2wtresp |
s2wtresp:w2 s weight without non-response adjustment |
s4wtresp |
s4wtresp:w4 s weight without non-response adjustment |
r2wtrespl |
r2wtrespl:w2 Individual longitudinal weight |
s2wtrespl |
s2wtrespl:w2 Individual longitudinal weight |
r1wtrespa |
r1wtrespa:w1 Individual weight with HH non-response adjustment |
r2wtrespa |
r2wtrespa:w2 Individual weight with HH non-response adjustment |
r4wtrespa |
r4wtrespa:w4 Individual weight with HH non-response adjustment |
s1wtrespa |
s1wtrespa:w1 s weight with HH non-response adjustment |
s2wtrespa |
s2wtrespa:w2 s weight with HH non-response adjustment |
s4wtrespa |
s4wtrespa:w4 s weight with HH non-response adjustment |
r1wtrespb |
r1wtrespb:w1 Individual weight with HH/Ind non-response adjustment |
r2wtrespb |
r2wtrespb:w2 Individual weight with HH/Ind non-response adjustment |
r4wtrespb |
r4wtrespb:w4 Individual weight with HH/Ind non-response adjustment |
s1wtrespb |
s1wtrespb:w1 s weight with HH/Ind non-response adjustment |
s2wtrespb |
s2wtrespb:w2 s weight with HH/Ind non-response adjustment |
s4wtrespb |
s4wtrespb:w4 s weight with HH/Ind non-response adjustment |
r1wtrespbioa |
r1wtrespbioa:w1 Individual biomarker weight with HH non-response adjustment |
s1wtrespbioa |
s1wtrespbioa:w1 Individual biomarker weight with HH non-response adjustment |
r1wtrespbiob |
r1wtrespbiob:w1 Individual biomarker weight with HH/Ind non-response adjustment |
r2wtrespbiob |
r2wtrespbiob:w2 Individual biomarker weight with HH/Ind non-response adjustment |
r4wtrespbiob |
r4wtrespbiob:w4 Individual biomarker weight with HH/Ind non-response adjustment |
s1wtrespbiob |
s1wtrespbiob:w1 Individual biomarker weight with HH/Ind non-response adjustment |
s2wtrespbiob |
s2wtrespbiob:w2 Individual biomarker weight with HH/Ind non-response adjustment |
s4wtrespbiob |
s4wtrespbiob:w4 Individual biomarker weight with HH/Ind non-response adjustment |
h1hhresp |
h1hhresp:w1 # respondents in household |
h2hhresp |
h2hhresp:w2 # respondents in household |
h3hhresp |
h3hhresp:w3 # respondents in household |
h4hhresp |
h4hhresp:w4 # respondents in household |
h1cpl |
h1cpl:w1 whether coupled |
h2cpl |
h2cpl:w2 whether coupled |
h3cpl |
h3cpl:w3 whether coupled |
h4cpl |
h4cpl:w4 whether coupled |
r1famr |
r1famr: Whether Family Resp |
r2famr |
r2famr: Whether Family Resp |
r3famr |
r3famr: Whether Family Resp |
r4famr |
r4famr: Whether Family Resp |
s1famr |
s1famr: Whether Family Resp |
s2famr |
s2famr: Whether Family Resp |
s3famr |
s3famr: Whether Family Resp |
s4famr |
s4famr: Whether Family Resp |
h1anyfam |
h1anyfam: Whether any Famr in HH |
h2anyfam |
h2anyfam: Whether any Famr in HH |
h3anyfam |
h3anyfam: Whether any Famr in HH |
h4anyfam |
h4anyfam: Whether any Famr in HH |
r1iwy |
r1iwy:w1 r year of interview |
r2iwy |
r2iwy:w2 r year of interview |
r3iwy |
r3iwy:w3 r year of interview |
r4iwy |
r4iwy:w4 r year of interview |
s1iwy |
s1iwy:w1 s year of interview |
s2iwy |
s2iwy:w2 s year of interview |
s3iwy |
s3iwy:w3 s year of interview |
s4iwy |
s4iwy:w4 s year of interview |
r1iwm |
r1iwm:w1 r month of interview |
r2iwm |
r2iwm:w2 r month of interview |
r3iwm |
r3iwm:w3 r month of interview |
r4iwm |
r4iwm:w4 r month of interview |
s1iwm |
s1iwm:w1 s month of interview |
s2iwm |
s2iwm:w2 s month of interview |
s3iwm |
s3iwm:w3 s month of interview |
s4iwm |
s4iwm:w4 s month of interview |
rabday |
rabday:r birth day |
s1bday |
s1bday:w1 s birth day |
s2bday |
s2bday:w2 s birth day |
s4bday |
s4bday:w4 s birth day |
rabmonth |
rabmonth:r birth month |
s1bmonth |
s1bmonth:w1 s birth month |
s2bmonth |
s2bmonth:w2 s birth month |
s3bmonth |
s3bmonth:w3 s birth month |
s4bmonth |
s4bmonth:w4 s birth month |
rabyear |
rabyear:r birth year |
s1byear |
s1byear:w1 s birth year |
s2byear |
s2byear:w2 s birth year |
s3byear |
s3byear:w3 s birth year |
s4byear |
s4byear:w4 s birth year |
rafbdate |
rafbate:r flag birth date |
s1fbdate |
s1fbdate:w1 s flag birth date |
s2fbdate |
s2fbdate:w2 s flag birth date |
s3fbdate |
s3fbdate:w3 s flag birth date |
s4fbdate |
s4fbdate:w4 s flag birth date |
raidbyear |
raidbyear:r ID birth year |
s1idbyear |
s1idbyear:w1 s birth year |
s2idbyear |
s2idbyear:w2 s birth year |
s3idbyear |
s3idbyear:w3 s birth year |
s4idbyear |
s4idbyear:w4 s birth year |
raidbmonth |
raidbmonth:r ID birth month |
s1idbmonth |
s1idbmonth:w1 s birth month |
s2idbmonth |
s2idbmonth:w2 s birth month |
s3idbmonth |
s3idbmonth:w3 s birth month |
s4idbmonth |
s4idbmonth:w4 s birth month |
raidbday |
raidbday:r ID birth day |
s1idbday |
s1idbday:w1 s birth day |
s2idbday |
s2idbday:w2 s birth day |
s4idbday |
s4idbday:w4 s birth day |
rafidbdate |
rafidbdate:r flag ID birth date |
s1fidbdate |
s1fidbdate:w1 s flag birth date |
s2fidbdate |
s2fidbdate:w2 s flag birth date |
s3fidbdate |
s3fidbdate:w3 s flag birth date |
s4fidbdate |
s4fidbdate:w4 s flag birth date |
radyear |
radyear: r death year |
s1dyear |
s1dyear:w1 s death year |
s2dyear |
s2dyear:w2 s death year |
radmonth |
radmonth: r death month |
s1dmonth |
s1dmonth:w1 s death month |
s2dmonth |
s2dmonth:w2 s death month |
r1agey |
r1agey:w1 r age in years |
r2agey |
r2agey:w2 r age in years |
r3agey |
r3agey:w3 r age in years |
r4agey |
r4agey:w4 r age in years |
s1agey |
s1agey:w1 s age in years |
s2agey |
s2agey:w2 s age in years |
s3agey |
s3agey:w3 s age in years |
s4agey |
s4agey:w4 s age in years |
ragender |
ragender:R Gender |
s1gender |
s1gender:w1 s Gender |
s2gender |
s2gender:w2 s Gender |
s3gender |
s3gender:w3 s Gender |
s4gender |
s4gender:w4 s Gender |
rafgendr |
rafgendr: Flag if problem with r gender |
s2fgendr |
s2fgendr:w2 Flag if problem with s gender |
s3fgendr |
s3fgendr:w3 Flag if problem with s gender |
s4fgendr |
s4fgendr:w4 Flag if problem with s gender |
raeduc_c |
raeduc_c:r education (categ) |
s1educ_c |
s1educ_c:w1 s education (categ) |
s2educ_c |
s2educ_c:w2 s education (categ) |
s3educ_c |
s3educ_c:w3 s education (categ) |
s4educ_c |
s4educ_c:w4 s education (categ) |
raeducl |
raeducl:r harmonized education levels |
s1educl |
s1educl:w1 s harmonized education levels |
s2educl |
s2educl:w2 s harmonized education levels |
s3educl |
s3educl:w3 s harmonized education levels |
s4educl |
s4educl:w4 s harmonized education levels |
r1mstat |
r1mstat:w1 r marital status w/partners, filled |
r2mstat |
r2mstat:w2 r marital status w/partners, filled |
r3mstat |
r3mstat:w3 r marital status w/partners, filled |
r4mstat |
r4mstat:w4 r marital status w/partners, filled |
s1mstat |
s1mstat:w1 s marital status w/partners, filled |
s2mstat |
s2mstat:w2 s marital status w/partners, filled |
s3mstat |
s3mstat:w3 s marital status w/partners, filled |
s4mstat |
s4mstat:w4 s marital status w/partners, filled |
r1mstath |
r1mstath:w1 r marital status |
r2mstath |
r2mstath:w2 r marital status |
r3mstath |
r3mstath:w3 r marital status |
r4mstath |
r4mstath:w4 r marital status |
s1mstath |
s1mstath:w1 s marital status |
s2mstath |
s2mstath:w2 s marital status |
s3mstath |
s3mstath:w3 s marital status |
s4mstath |
s4mstath:w4 s marital status |
r1mnev |
r1mnev:w1 r Never married |
r2mnev |
r2mnev:w2 r Never married |
r3mnev |
r3mnev:w3 r Never married |
r4mnev |
r4mnev:w4 r Never married |
s1mnev |
s1mnev:w1 s Never married |
s2mnev |
s2mnev:w2 s Never married |
s3mnev |
s3mnev:w3 s Never married |
s4mnev |
s4mnev:w4 s Never married |
r1mrct |
r1mrct:w1 r # marriages |
r2mrct |
r2mrct:w2 r # marriages |
r3mrct |
r3mrct:w3 r # marriages |
s1mrct |
s1mrct:w1 s # marriages |
s2mrct |
s2mrct:w2 s # marriages |
s3mrct |
s3mrct:w3 s # marriages |
r1mcurln |
r1mcurln:w1 r length of current marriage |
r2mcurln |
r2mcurln:w2 r length of current marriage |
r3mcurln |
r3mcurln:w3 r length of current marriage |
s3mcurln |
s3mcurln:w3 s length of current marriage |
s1mcurln |
s1mcurln:w1 s length of current marriage |
s2mcurln |
s2mcurln:w2 s length of current marriage |
rabplace_c |
rabplace_c:r birth place |
s1bplace_c |
s1bplace_c:w1 s birth place |
s2bplace_c |
s2bplace_c:w2 s birth place |
s4bplace_c |
s4bplace_c:w4 s birth place |
r1hukou |
r1hukou:w1 r hukou status |
r2hukou |
r2hukou:w2 r hukou status |
r3hukou |
r3hukou:w3 r hukou status |
r4hukou |
r4hukou:w4 r hukou status |
s1hukou |
s1hukou:w1 s hukou status |
s2hukou |
s2hukou:w2 s hukou status |
s3hukou |
s3hukou:w3 s hukou status |
s4hukou |
s4hukou:w4 s hukou status |
h1rural |
h1rural:w1 lives in rural or urban |
h2rural |
h2rural:w2 lives in rural or urban |
h3rural |
h3rural:w3 lives in rural or urban |
h4rural |
h4rural:w4 lives in rural or urban |
r1rural2 |
r1rural2:w1 r rural hukou |
r2rural2 |
r2rural2:w2 r rural hukou |
r3rural2 |
r3rural2:w3 r rural hukou |
r4rural2 |
r4rural2:w4 r rural hukou |
s1rural2 |
s1rural2:w1 s rural hukou |
s2rural2 |
s2rural2:w2 s rural hukou |
s3rural2 |
s3rural2:w3 s rural hukou |
s4rural2 |
s4rural2:w4 s rural hukou |