household |
household:HHold ID (Char) |
pn |
pn:Person number within household (1-char) |
id |
id:unique individual serial number(6-char) |
h1coupid |
h1coupid:w1 couple ID/num |
h2coupid |
h2coupid:w2 couple ID/num |
s1pn |
s1pn:w1 spouse person ID (char) |
s2pn |
s2pn:w2 spouse person ID (char) |
s1id |
s1id:w1 spouse ID (char) |
s2id |
s2id:w2 spouse ID (char) |
raspct |
raspct:# of spouses with pid |
raspid1 |
raspid1:w1 ID of 1st spouse (char) |
inw1 |
inw1:In wave 1 |
inw2 |
inw2:In wave 2 |
r1iwstat |
r1iwstat:w1 R interview status |
r2iwstat |
r2iwstat:w2 R interview status |
s1iwstat |
s1iwstat:w1 S interview status |
s2iwstat |
s2iwstat:w2 S interview status |
raeclust |
raeclust:cluster variable |
raestrat |
raestrat:stratification variable |
r1wtresp |
r1wtresp:w1 R person-level analysis weight |
s1wtresp |
s1wtresp:w1 S person-level analysis weight |
hh1hhresp |
hh1hhresp:w1 number of total household respondents |
hh2hhresp |
hh2hhresp:w2 number of total household respondents |
h1cpl |
h1cpl:w1 whether coupled |
h2cpl |
h2cpl:w2 whether coupled |
r1famr |
r1famr:w1 whether family representative |
r2famr |
r2famr:w2 whether family representative |
s1famr |
s1famr:w1 whether family representative |
s2famr |
s2famr:w2 whether family representative |
h1anyfamr |
h1anyfamr:w1 whether any famr in couple |
h2anyfamr |
h2anyfamr:w2 whether any famr in couple |
r1finr |
r1finr:w1 whether financial representative |
r2finr |
r2finr:w2 whether financial representative |
s1finr |
s1finr:w1 whether financial representative |
s2finr |
s2finr:w2 whether financial representative |
h1anyfinr |
h1anyfinr:w1 whether any finr in couple |
h2anyfinr |
h2anyfinr:w2 whether any finr in couple |
r1iwy_t |
r1iwy_t:w1 R mean year of interview |
r2iwy_t |
r2iwy_t:w2 R mean year of interview |
s1iwy_t |
s1iwy_t:w1 S mean year of interview |
s2iwy_t |
s2iwy_t:w2 S mean year of interview |
r1agey |
r1agey:w1 r age (years) at ivw |
r2agey |
r2agey:w2 r age (years) at ivw |
s1agey |
s1agey:w1 S age (years) at ivw |
s2agey |
s2agey:w2 S age (years) at ivw |
r1fagey |
r1fagey:w1 flag for r age grouped |
r2fagey |
r2fagey:w2 flag for r age grouped |
s1fagey |
s1fagey:w1 flag for s age grouped |
s2fagey |
s2fagey:w2 flag for s age grouped |
rabyear |
rabyear:r birth year |
rafbyear |
rafbyear: r flag birth year |
s1byear |
s1byear:w1 s birth year |
s2byear |
s2byear:w2 s birth year |
s1fbyear |
s1fbyear:w1 s flag birth year |
s2fbyear |
s2fbyear:w2 s flag birth year |
ragender |
ragender:R gender |
s1gender |
s1gender:w1 S gender |
s2gender |
s2gender:w2 S gender |
raeduc_t |
raeduc_t:R Education category |
s1educ_t |
s1educ_t:w1 S Education category |
s2educ_t |
s2educ_t:w2 S Education Category |
raeducl |
raeducl:R harmonized Education category |
s1educl |
s1educl:w1 S harmonized Education category |
s2educl |
s2educl:w2 S harmonized Education category |
r1mstat |
r1mstat:w1 R marital status w/partners |
r2mstat |
r2mstat:w2 R marital status w/partners |
s1mstat |
s1mstat:w1 S marital status w/partners |
s2mstat |
s2mstat:w2 S marital status w/partners |
r1mnev |
r1mnev:w1 R never married |
r2mnev |
r2mnev:w2 R never married |
s1mnev |
s1mnev:w1 S never married |
s2mnev |
s2mnev:w2 S never married |
r1rural_t |
r1rural_t:w1 R lives in urban or rural |
s1rural_t |
s1rural_t:w1 S lives in urban or rural |
rarelig_t |
rarelig_t:R religion |
s1relig_t |
s1relig_t:w1 S religion |