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The Harmonized SHARE Life History version B.3 dataset is created using data from SHARE Wave 3 and 7 release 9.0.0 as of March 2024. See the Harmonized SHARE Life History Codebook for more information about this version.

Download the Harmonized SHARE Life History Stata Creation Code

To run the Harmonized SHARE Life History Creation Code in Stata:

  • From SHARE Research Data Center, download the 9.0.0 release Stata data for Waves 3 and 7. Download the All Waves Coverscreen Release 9.0.0 for Stata.
  • Make sure you have already created the Harmonized SHARE version F. For information on creating the Harmonized SHARE visit: Harmonized SHARE Stata Creation Code
  • Edit line 13 of the Stata Creation Code to list the folder location of the SHARE Coverscreen files. Edit lines 14 - 15 to list the folder location of the SHARE data for each wave. Edit line 16 to list the folder location where you would like to save the Harmonized SHARE dataset.

If you prefer to work with the Harmonized SHARE Life History dataset in a statistical package other than Stata, you can convert the Harmonized SHARE Life History Stata dataset using a program such as Stat/Transfer. If you do not have access to Stat/Transfer, you may be able to read the .dta dataset into your stat package using an "import" or "get" function. When reading a .dta dataset into another package, it is best to first save the dataset in a Stata version 12 format using the command saveold.

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