cunicah |
Unique Household ID/Clave Unica del Hogar (=UNNHID) |
np |
Person Number/Numero de Persona |
unhhidnp |
UNHHIDNP: Unique Person Identifier (HH ID + Person Number)/ Num |
isoa3 |
isoa3: Country indicator |
inhcap1 |
inhcap1: In HCAP Wave 1 |
r1phase |
r1phase:Mex-Cog 2016 phase |
r1hiwstat |
r1hiwstat: R interview status |
r1hiwy |
r1hiwy: R year of Mex-Cog interview |
rabyear |
rabyear: R Birth Year |
rabmonth |
rabmonth: R Birth Month |
r1hagey |
r1hagey: R age (years) at ivw |
ragender |
ragender: R Gender |
raedyrs |
raedyrs: R years of education |
raedisced |
raedisced: R Education by ISCED Code |
raeducl |
raeducl: R Harmonized Education |
r1hmstatc |
r1hmstatc:w4 R marital status at core ivw with partnership |
r1hmstathc |
r1hmstathc:w4 R marital status at core ivw w/o partnership |
r1hruralc |
r1hruralc:w4 R lives in rural or urban at core ivw |