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r1hosp1y Constructed variable r1hosp1y:w1 r hospital stay last year
r2hosp1y Constructed variable r2hosp1y:w2 r hospital stay last year
r4hosp1y Constructed variable r4hosp1y:w4 r hospital stay last year
s1hosp1y Constructed variable s1hosp1y:w1 S hospital stay last year
s2hosp1y Constructed variable s2hosp1y:w2 s hospital stay last year
s4hosp1y Constructed variable s4hosp1y:w4 s hospital stay last year
r1hsptim1y Constructed variable r1hsptim1y:w1 r # hosp stays last year
r2hsptim1y Constructed variable r2hsptim1y:w2 r # hosp stays last year
r4hsptim1y Constructed variable r4hsptim1y:w4 r # hosp stays last year
s1hsptim1y Constructed variable s1hsptim1y:w1 S # hosp stays last year
s2hsptim1y Constructed variable s2hsptim1y:w2 s # hosp stays last year
s4hsptim1y Constructed variable s4hsptim1y:w4 s # hosp stays last year
r1hspnite Constructed variable r1hspnite:w1 r # hosp nights last episode
r2hspnite Constructed variable r2hspnite:w2 r # hosp nights last episode
r4hspnite Constructed variable r4hspnite:w4 r # hosp nights last episode
s1hspnite Constructed variable s1hspnite:w1 S # hosp nights last episode
s2hspnite Constructed variable s2hspnite:w2 s # hosp nights last episode
s4hspnite Constructed variable s4hspnite:w4 s # hosp nights last episode
r1doctor1m Constructed variable r1doctor1m:w1 r doctor visit/outpatient last month
r2doctor1m Constructed variable r2doctor1m:w2 r doctor visit/outpatient last month
r4doctor1m Constructed variable r4doctor1m:w4 r doctor visit/outpatient last month
s1doctor1m Constructed variable s1doctor1m:w1 S doctor visit/outpatient last month
s2doctor1m Constructed variable s2doctor1m:w2 s doctor visit/outpatient last month
s4doctor1m Constructed variable s4doctor1m:w4 s doctor visit/outpatient last month
r1doctim1m Constructed variable r1doctim1m:w1 r # doctor visit/outpatient last month
r2doctim1m Constructed variable r2doctim1m:w2 r # doctor visit/outpatient last month
r4doctim1m Constructed variable r4doctim1m:w4 r # doctor visit/outpatient last month
s1doctim1m Constructed variable s1doctim1m:w1 S # doctor visit/outpatient last month
s2doctim1m Constructed variable s2doctim1m:w2 s # doctor visit/outpatient last month
s4doctim1m Constructed variable s4doctim1m:w4 s # doctor visit/outpatient last month
r1ordoc1m Constructed variable r1ordoc1m:w1 r oriental doctor visit, last month
r2ordoc1m Constructed variable r2ordoc1m:w2 r oriental doctor visit, last month
r4ordoc1m Constructed variable r4ordoc1m:w4 r oriental doctor visit, last month
s1ordoc1m Constructed variable s1ordoc1m:w1 s oriental doctor visit, last month
s2ordoc1m Constructed variable s2ordoc1m:w2 s oriental doctor visit, last month
s4ordoc1m Constructed variable s4ordoc1m:w4 s oriental doctor visit, last month
r1ordtim1m Constructed variable r1ordtim1m:w1 r # oriental doctor visits, last month
r2ordtim1m Constructed variable r2ordtim1m:w2 r # oriental doctor visits, last month
r4ordtim1m Constructed variable r4ordtim1m:w4 r # oriental doctor visits, last month
s1ordtim1m Constructed variable s1ordtim1m:w1 s # oriental doctor visits, last month
s2ordtim1m Constructed variable s2ordtim1m:w2 s # oriental doctor visits, last month
s4ordtim1m Constructed variable s4ordtim1m:w4 s # oriental doctor visits, last month
r2dentst1y Constructed variable r2dentst1y:w2 r dental care last year
r4dentst1y Constructed variable r4dentst1y:w4 r dental care last year
s2dentst1y Constructed variable s2dentst1y:w2 s dental care last year
s4dentst1y Constructed variable s4dentst1y:w4 s dental care last year
r2dentim1y Constructed variable r2dentim1y:w2 r # dental visit last year
r4dentim1y Constructed variable r4dentim1y:w4 r # dental visit last year
s2dentim1y Constructed variable s2dentim1y:w2 s # dental visit last year
s4dentim1y Constructed variable s4dentim1y:w4 s # dental visit last year
r1oophos1y Constructed variable r1oophos1y:w1 r hospitalization out-of-pocket expenditure last year
r2oophos1y Constructed variable r2oophos1y:w2 r hospitalization out-of-pocket expenditure last year
r4oophos1y Constructed variable r4oophos1y:w4 r hospitalization out-of-pocket expenditure last year
s1oophos1y Constructed variable s1oophos1y:w1 S hospitalization out-of-pocket expenditure last year
s2oophos1y Constructed variable s2oophos1y:w2 s hospitalization out-of-pocket expenditure last year
s4oophos1y Constructed variable s4oophos1y:w4 s hospitalization out-of-pocket expenditure last year
r1tothos1y Constructed variable r1tothos1y:w1 r hospitalization total expenditure last year
r2tothos1y Constructed variable r2tothos1y:w2 r hospitalization total expenditure last year
r4tothos1y Constructed variable r4tothos1y:w4 r hospitalization total expenditure last year
s1tothos1y Constructed variable s1tothos1y:w1 S hospitalization total expenditure last year
s2tothos1y Constructed variable s2tothos1y:w2 s hospitalization total expenditure last year
s4tothos1y Constructed variable s4tothos1y:w4 s hospitalization total expenditure last year
r1oopdoc1m Constructed variable r1oopdoc1m:w1 r doctor visit out-of-pocket expenditure last month
r2oopdoc1m Constructed variable r2oopdoc1m:w2 r doctor visit out-of-pocket expenditure last month
r4oopdoc1m Constructed variable r4oopdoc1m:w4 r doctor visit out-of-pocket expenditure last month
s1oopdoc1m Constructed variable s1oopdoc1m:w1 S doctor visit out-of-pocket expenditure last month
s2oopdoc1m Constructed variable s2oopdoc1m:w2 s doctor visit out-of-pocket expenditure last month
s4oopdoc1m Constructed variable s4oopdoc1m:w4 s doctor visit out-of-pocket expenditure last month
r1totdoc1m Constructed variable r1totdoc1m:w1 r doctor visit total expenditure last month
r2totdoc1m Constructed variable r2totdoc1m:w2 r doctor visit total expenditure last month
r4totdoc1m Constructed variable r4totdoc1m:w4 r doctor visit total expenditure last month
s1totdoc1m Constructed variable s1totdoc1m:w1 S doctor visit total expenditure last month
s2totdoc1m Constructed variable s2totdoc1m:w2 s doctor visit total expenditure last month
s4totdoc1m Constructed variable s4totdoc1m:w4 s doctor visit total expenditure last month
r2oopden1y Constructed variable r2oopden1y:w2 r dental care out-of-pocket expenditure last year
r4oopden1y Constructed variable r4oopden1y:w4 r dental care out-of-pocket expenditure last year
s2oopden1y Constructed variable s2oopden1y:w2 s dental care out-of-pocket expenditure last year
s4oopden1y Constructed variable s4oopden1y:w4 s dental care out-of-pocket expenditure last year
r2totden1y Constructed variable r2totden1y:w2 r dental care total expenditure last year
r4totden1y Constructed variable r4totden1y:w4 r dental care total expenditure last year
s2totden1y Constructed variable s2totden1y:w2 s dental care total expenditure last year
s4totden1y Constructed variable s4totden1y:w4 s dental care total expenditure last year
r1higov Constructed variable r1higov:w1 r cover by public health insurance
r2higov Constructed variable r2higov:w2 r cover by public health insurance
r4higov Constructed variable r4higov:w4 r cover by public health insurance
s1higov Constructed variable s1higov:w1 s cover by public health insurance
s2higov Constructed variable s2higov:w2 s cover by public health insurance
s4higov Constructed variable s4higov:w4 s cover by public health insurance
r1hipriv Constructed variable r1hipriv:w1 r cover by Private Health Ins
r2hipriv Constructed variable r2hipriv:w2 r cover by Private Health Ins
r4hipriv Constructed variable r4hipriv:w4 r cover by Private Health Ins
s1hipriv Constructed variable s1hipriv:w1 S cover by Private Health Ins
s2hipriv Constructed variable s2hipriv:w2 s cover by Private Health Ins
s4hipriv Constructed variable s4hipriv:w4 s cover by Private Health Ins
r1hiothp Constructed variable r1hiothp:w1 r cover by other health ins
r2hiothp Constructed variable r2hiothp:w2 r cover by other health ins
r4hiothp Constructed variable r4hiothp:w4 r cover by other health ins
s1hiothp Constructed variable s1hiothp:w1 s cover by other health ins
s2hiothp Constructed variable s2hiothp:w2 s cover by other health ins
s4hiothp Constructed variable s4hiothp:w4 s cover by other health ins
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